Eurax Stories - Jayne & Amelia

Amelia was born with a rare condition which made her lose 70% of her blood. Her kidneys didn't fully recover which is why she gets seriously itchy.
We tried so many different creams, including different options prescribed by our doctor. You name it, we tried it!
By sheer coincidence, someone recommended Eurax 10% Cream to us and it literally just changed her. There was no more blood on the sheets, it literally transformed her!
Instead of having a two-year-old screaming baby that was scratching herself to the point of bleeding, I had a happy little girl that was tottering around the house.

We stopped using Eurax 10% Cream for a while, however, the itching came back again when she was at school. Amelia started getting comments from friends like "why are you itchy?" and "why have you got scratch marks all over you?".
Children stared at her all the time and she got really self-conscious about it, especially when she felt that she was about to start itching and would need to scratch to relieve it.
Following this, we decided that we needed to start using Eurax 10% Cream again. Once Amelia started applying the cream, the itching mostly stopped and we've been using it ever since.

When Amelia was very little she would lay down on the floor on her back and push herself through our 24-foot long living room to soothe her itchy skin without scratching. I don't know how she never got carpet burns!
When she was going through itching phases, it would drive her to despair as children don't understand emotions that well.
It was very draining as she couldn't see an end to itching during the worst flare-ups, which was really tough to see as a parent.
This was at the point when we stopped using Eurax 10% Cream so it was probably our fault for doing that.
When Amelia started using the cream again, she was much more relaxed and confident when going out with her friends.
She almost felt safer because she knew that she wasn't going to start frantically itching in front of others.

The itching definitely tends to get worse in the summer. During the warmer days, we put Eurax 10% Cream on her in the morning and then top it up during midday to keep her from itching in the heat.
Amelia's kidneys tend to fluctuate a bit throughout the year so when she eats food that she is not allowed to eat, like chocolate or anything high in phosphate, her skin tends to itch more.
If she's out with friends and wants some of those foods, she just takes the Eurax 10% Cream with her, puts it on and can eat whatever she likes. Eurax has actually been an absolute godsend!

I would recommend to watch their diet, don't use any harsh soaps and try using Bicarbonate of Soda for bathing. A lot of people use oats as well, which you can put in a pillowcase and hang over the tap with water running over it (as long as you don't have an oat allergy). And lastly, Eurax 10% Cream is what we use most of the time!
Wearing cotton clothes, such as t-shirts, also help Amelia's skin as they're soft on her skin. I wouldn't recommend jumpers or sweaters as they tend to make itching much worse.
We also tried Eurax 10% Cream when Amelia got chickenpox at the age of 3 and it was absolutely brilliant for it!
I'm a qualified nursery nurse with two degrees in childhood studies and I literally recommend it to everybody when their children have it.
My niece's two children have just got chickenpox, so I just said: "You need to go get some Eurax, it will save you".
I would recommend it to anyone with children who get chickenpox, it's absolutely amazing!